Sunday, April 28th, Western House Hotel

The Macdonald Legacy kicked off its £1 million fundraising campaign on Sunday the 28th of April with a prohibition-themed lunch at Western House Hotel in Ayr. The event was organised by Alan Macdonald who invited 120 of his friends and business network to attend a lunch in memory of his son, Barry Macdonald.

The event opened with a champagne reception as guests arrived in 1920s attire. Entertainment was provided by jazz and blues pianist, Joplin Parnell, who set the scene for the rest of the day.

Guests were then welcomed by Mr Macdonald, followed by a delicious 3-course meal served in the ballroom. The MC, former Scottish Rugby Internationalist and TV personality, Andy Nicol introduced a short documentary entitled, “The Macdonald Legacy” which explained how the legacy began and what it hopes to achieve in the sporting and local community.

Next up was an hour of big band red hot jazz music which delighted guests and filled the dancefloor. During the interlude, Andy Nicol introduced a slideshow of images entitled “The Vision of Millbrae” which showed impressions of what the Millbrae clubhouse and facilities might look like once complete. Alan Macdonald spoke to the amassed guests about the importance of the project and asked for their support.

As the band started up for the second time guests generously showed their support for Ayr Rugby Club, the Macdonald Legacy and the wider community as pledges were made to help fund the project.

There will be a series of information and fundraising events taking place over the coming months for club members and the wider community to get involved with The Macdonald Legacy and the redevelopment of Millbrae.

More information on how to donate can be found here: